+ Life

cell rejuvenation

The photo is only an illustration of the effect
from aimeim and is made up of two different
face halves put together

The start-up company
Aimeim SAS in Uruguay
is the first company to
launch a free
rejuvenation app with
a social network platform
under the name aimeim.vip
for cell rejuvenation and
health promotion in 2026

The history of aimeim
The inventor-artist Liedtke has developed a research project for a mobile app called “aimeim”, which should be available by 2026/7. His app invention is based on his four decades of research into non-materialised information and artificial intelligence (AI) and will be available free of charge for the health and rejuvenation of users in over 100 languages from 2027.

In his series of works Life II (from 1980), he presents DNA and genes for the first time in art history through video baths, which can be controlled by information (colours, arrangement and non-materialised information) in a neuronal and epigenetic way, either positively or negatively, or by reversing the ageing process.

Dieter LiedtKe Artwork/ Free white genes
Thoughts can change genes /1986-88

He found in hypothesis studies about his works: non-materialised information and that these have access to and can reverse the ageing process of cells. As an inventor-artist who financed his life from other successful inventions and who did not have to sell his works on the art market, inspired by his work series “Life II”, he applied for four process programme patents in 2010 to establish copyrights on this idea concept of cell rejuvenation through information. His patent applications have already been confirmed in the effectiveness of information in scientific studies in 2014, 2021 and 2022 (see studies) (link)

The evolutionary-biological, medical, physical and art-historical research documents:
Liedtke’s holistic work innovations, which established his name in art history and in the media as a successor to Leonardo da Vinci, Hegel, Einstein or Beuys in one person, are hitherto unknown in history. The neuronal transfer of knowledge that Liedtke has been demonstrating in his work since the 1970s has been confirmed by the research findings of Eric Kandel, winner of the 2000 Nobel Prize for Medicine. In 1992, the research group led by Giacomo Rizzolatti documented Liedtke’s knowledge transfer process in empirical studies using the newly discovered mirror neurons in the brain. The studies confirm his work and state that when insights and knowledge are seen or thought about, they are transferred neurally to the cogniser. If we add epigenetics to this, as Liedtke did in his work from the 1980s onwards, unknown, revolutionary mechanisms of action become visible. These affect biological evolution, genes, DNA, cells, humans, the media, politics and society as well as social sculpture and are recognisably expressed in their interplay of information in different information directions of groups in society. His non-materialised information, mentioned in the 2010 patent applications for cell rejuvenation, is the first to go beyond neurobiological epigenetics to transform cells from ageing to rejuvenation.

The inventor-artist wants to be able to
for programming are completed, one for the
User free app for rejuvenating body cells
on non-materialised information globally and freely
to make them available. Liedtke is of the opinion that
with the development of the reversal of the ageing process
by the technology giants: the health and the
Non-forfeiture of the body a basic right to
Independence, dignity and a human right.
In further studies he has shown that with increasing
world population living in freedom, through exponentially
increasing creativity, an abundance of resources and a
Ethical capitalism in harmony with the laws of nature.

To the cell rejuvenation app: aimeim
The aimeim app is to be financed through advertising for ethical products and services. The rejuvenation app is blockchain protected. All user data is secret. Cookies are not generated. News letters are not issued. Each information processing is individually tailored to the user and his information processing for health optimisation through AI and with new research results.

Further cell rejuvenation expansion programmes

After completion of the aimeim programming, the first innovation centre
for cell renovation and health built at the Globalpeace Campus

The aimeim cell rejuvenation clinic for particularly elderly people withmresearch and Medical centre is in preparation at
the Globalpeace Campus

Figures on the first to register for cell rejuvenation

Wolf Walther, Elke Sommer and Dieter at the Liedtke Museum


(Participation Life Coins)

Scientists on the Liedtke research results from his artworks

“The crucial question here is the storage of consciousness and intelligence. There is no doubt that mechanisms exist for this, even if they have hardly been scientifically investigated, let alone understood. The significance of the formula Life + Consciousness = Art is precisely the definition of this gap in the current scientific view. This art formula, as the centrepiece of the art open exhibition concept, not only fascinates art connoisseurs, but also contains highly explosive statements for natural historians. The targeted intervention and rapid acceleration of biocultural evolution made possible by this would probably put all of today’s cloning possibilities far in the shade. A closer look at the art formula of art open describes “life + expansion of consciousness = art” perhaps even a theoretical concept for the biocultural evolution of mankind as a whole.”

Prof Dr Friedemann Schrenk 1999
Senkenberg Institute Frankfurt
Professor at Frankfurt/ Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, Research Prize of the Collège de France, Grüter Prize from the Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft, Deputy Director of the Hessisches Landesmuseum Darmstadt,Communicator Prize of the Media for German Scientists, Federal Cross of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany Lender of the special exhibition: The innovations and developments of early man in the art exhibition art open.

“His anticipatory insights are documented in his artworks, books and exhibitions shortly after their creation. They are regularly confirmed by the fact that, independently of Liedtke’s art and research, years later leading scientists in various fields of science provide proof of Liedtke’s findings through new studies. In 2000, the neurobiologist Eric Kandel was awarded the Nobel Prize for Medicine for his research findings, which had been anticipated by Dieter W. Liedtke’s artwork by 20 years and documented in his book The Consciousness of Matter (published in 1982). In 2006, researchers Andrew Fire and Craig Mello were awarded the Nobel Prize for their 1998 discovery of how information controls genes, thus confirming Dieter W. Liedtke’s artwork of the 1980s: that genes and gene programmes can be switched on and off. Dieter Liedtke’s works of the 80s and 90s go further and predict that pure non-materialised information, art and visions can also change gene programmes, genes and cells and that this change can be controlled positively or negatively. See also the books: Das Bewusstsein der Materie, 1982, Der Schlüssel zur Kunst, 1990, art open catalogue, 2000. artistically and philosophically, Liedtke’s works open up the firmly defined, logical boundaries of today’s knowledge and show ways to realise a new, more humane world.”

Dr Thomas Föhl 2005
Art historian and member of the Board of Directors
of the Weimar Art Collections

Dear Dieter, 25 May 2021

“I really enjoyed meeting you at your museum last Saturday. My own speciality is the genetics and epigenetics of cancer. I am impressed by your insights into epigenetics so early on, when we in the cancer field have not even considered a role for epigenetics in the development of cancer.

Prof Dr Rene Bernards
From 1988 to 1994 assistant professor at Harvard University. From 1992 he was Head of the Department of Molecular Carcinogenesis at the Netherlands Cancer Research Centre in Amsterdam and from 1994 Professor of Molecular Carcinogenesis at the University of Utrecht. He developed new techniques for the diagnosis and treatment of cancer. For example, he developed a DNA microarray technique with which the malignancy (metastatic capacity) of breast cancer can be predicted on the basis of gene expression patterns. 1][2] He also developed a method for blocking gene expression using RNA interference[3], which is used in cancer treatment. [4] In 2005, he was awarded the Spinoza Prize. He is a member of EMBO, the Academia Europaea, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the Royal Netherlands Academy of Sciences, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and the National Academy of Sciences. In 2004, he received the Josephine Nefkens Prize for Cancer Research