+ Change global

Artinvest Certified Works of Art
+ Art Change
Trust Guarantee Coins
+ Coin Change
Green smart Luxus Rendite GPC
+ Real Estate Change

against each other, directly across national borders, in the secure blockchain exchange

Secure: notary, auditor escrow account processing via Price Waterhouse Coopers
Low costs: notary and auditor for property transfer plus
0.4% for the Change global exchange platform of Ethic investment.SAS Uruguay/Punta de Este

Global exchange of values


Offsetting values, secured by blockchain, with Globalpeace Campus properties, Artinvest artworks and guarantee coins from the Coin Guarantee Trust Uruguay
Notaries for land registry entries and international auditors Trustee for secure blockchain property exchange.

Location – Location – Location

Africa, Asia, Eastern Europe, India, Middle East, North America, Oceania, South-America, Southern Europe

Globalpeace Campus Web – TV Video Promoter – Life Jo